
Thursday, January 30, 2020

Native Americans vs Colonists Essay Example for Free

Native Americans vs Colonists Essay To begin with, colonists were certainly in disagreement with Native Americans. While native, the colonists claimed that they achieve real estate fairly; it was absolutely the Native Americans that were ahead of the game, Native Americans at the beginning were abused in the midst of the process to selling or buying land. In the meantime, colonists made use of the opportunity they were given, to give the Native Americans’ flammable liquid, knowing that the Native Americans’ would be intoxicated. Colonists said that they had mislaid many square miles of property through mediation, colonists said they have done they Native Americans’ no wrong at all. Furthermore, Native Americans’ told them their biz and nevertheless, Native Americans’ and the colonist took a load off together, they had nothing to hide , they laid it all on the table, they played there cards right. However, they just had to say that they had been the first in doing well to the English, and the English were the first in doing wrong. Regardless of the spin and turning of official policy. In the singing of treaties between colonists traditional low down for denying the fact that native Americans had their own conceptualization of private property and were deceit into celling property, and for the fact that whites believed the native indweller had no real claim to land ownership. It was not easy to guesstimate the percentage of the total Native Americans shut off by this hazardous disease. In addition, the Native Americans as it spread through numerous preachers and revivals; confederation was highly regarded than it had ever been effectuated in days gone by in the colonies. Native Americans are indigenous citizens, diseases took an enormous effect on Native Americans which had caused them to have diseases such as, small pox and measles Defenders they fall to their knees. In a like manner, Native Americans had helped the colonists in many ways when they were going through difficult times and through disastrous times as well. Also, Native Americans wanted everyone to stand strong, in unity and to have justice for all. Most importantly they wanted peace, and that was not too much to ask for. Nevertheless, colonists agreed that fighting was the worst thing to do, but they are way better than just doing something like that. They just wanted to ask for what they needed politely, not in a bad or rude manner. Native Americans’ tried to settle everything in a good way so they sign a peace treaty with the colonists, in which the colonists had agreed with them because , they wanted everyone to have equal rights between one another, this included things such as â€Å" if any did unjustly war against him, they would aid him; if any did war against them. He should aid them†. In that case things can better between the two colonies and bad things and arguments can be laid to rest once and for all. In conclusion, it is understandable why the colonist may say that native Americans’ did them wrong, but yet still native Americans’ were the first to stand before them and try to save their life’s in many ways that they possible could, they even sign a peace treaty, they did not try to hide anything at all behind their backs, they said it just the way it should be said and as they say â€Å"the good shall suffer for the bad†. Native Americans’ was not perfect they did there wrong as well. On the other hand, Native Americans force colonist to do certain things they probably didn’t want to agree to for instance, for trying to force the Indians to observe the laws of theirs and regardless of whatever happened between the native Americans’ were the last one standing they were brave , strong , but just remember that when colonists had grew weak, native Americans’ they had compassion on colonist’s and helped them.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Scotts experience on the moon in Waliking on the Moon by David R. Scott :: essays research papers

Scott's experience on the moon in "Waliking on the Moon" by David R. Scott â€Å"WALKING ON THE MOON† by David R. Scott, an American astronaut, is an account of his experiences on moon which he has narrated by the use of figurative language. He has described each aspect with deep detail in order to portray the moon which is merely seen afar. He has employed various techniques to describe the moon and to make his experiences comprehendible to all and sundry. HE compares, every now and then, his experiences on the moon with the earth. Scott, with his companions in Endeavour, made twelve revolutions around the moon. It took them, two hours to complete one revolution which they did in one hour of illumination and one of darkness. He beautifully describes the darker part of the moon which was suffused with â€Å"earth shine†. The light which the moon received from earth was much intense and bright than the moon light visible from earth. Therefore, they could easily view the mountains and the craters in the earth light. Stars embellished the sky, ahead and above them, with their â€Å"icy fire† and an â€Å"arc of impenetrable darkness blotted the firmament†. Then at dawn â€Å"barely discernible streamers of light† gradually illuminated the moon. Then within a second the sun scattered its intense light and brightened everything and â€Å"dazzled† their eyes. In the â€Å"lunar morning† the surface of the moon appeared to be of â€Å"milk chocolate colour† The pointed shadows highlighted the hills and craters. The writer delineates the changes in colour. As the sun rouse higher and higher the colour of mountains became gray and the shadows reduced in size. The writer describes the moon as an â€Å"arid world†. The lunar day and night continued till 355 earth hours. The moon seemed to be preserved in the time of its creation. Craters formed by the striking of meteorites, millions of years ago, were conspicuous. As the writer saw at the dark sky he caught a glimpse of the earth gleaming in space, â€Å"all blue and white, sea and clouds.† The earth looked brightly lit in the cold and limitless emptiness of space. Scott surveyed and photographed the moon. On the moon there were â€Å"incredible variety of landforms.† The lunar mountains stood in â€Å"noble splendor†. There were ridges and mountains 11000 feet high. The canyons and gorges were more than one thousand d feet deep.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Healthy Eating Habits and Lifestyle Essay

In today’s American society, many individuals have developed unhealthy eating habits. A study done in 2012 states fifty-two percent of polled Americans thought that doing their taxes was easier than trying to figure out how to eat healthy. There are many things that people look at as hassles to healthy eating rather than looking at the big benefits healthy eating has on someone. Many people think of these issues when they think of healthy eating the cost, the availability of the food, that it is â€Å"hard†, they do not want to diet, and so on. Changing the eating habits of an individual is not as hard as someone would think. Even though eating healthy can save a persons life, Many people would rather look at the â€Å"hassles† to healthy eating because it is easier to do rather than making a big change to their lifestyle. One of the most common things most individuals say is that eating healthy cost too much and the food that is healthy is not always available. Yes during some seasons fruit and vegetables are a little higher in cost. The fruits and vegetables individuals purchase do not have to be fresh produce, they can buy frozen fruits and vegetables during the expensive seasons. Do not buy canned fruits and vegetables though because they are soaked in sodium, preservatives, and high fructose corn syrup. Sure buying fruits and vegetables involves more work than grabbing something from a drive-thru window or even opening a package and cooking it. However, how much work is being sick? Having to go to the doctor and having to miss school or work because eating unhealthy lead to health issues like heart disease, obesity, and possibly even cancer. Yes eating fast food is very convenient and cheap, but eating fast food is more likely to lead to health problems in the future. Eating healthy along with exercise can completely change an individual’s health and wellness. Healthy eating promotes good health that reduces the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and even cancer. Even with the health risks people often make excuses to why they do not eat healthy. â€Å"I  am too busy.† â€Å"I do not know how.† â€Å"I do not want to diet†, These are three of the most common answers individuals say when asked why most people do not eat healthy. Everyone has a busy schedule but if everyone wants to continue to be busy and be able to do the things they like to do, they have to be healthy. Knowing how to eat healthy really is common knowledge. One does not have to go on a strict diet to see healthy changes. When eating healthy do not eat out, only take in little sugar, cut out trans fat, cut out â€Å"nonfat† and â€Å"lowfat† products, and high processed foods. Also when eating healthy having a low-carbohydrate intake is a wonderful thing. Also when eating healthy, lower your carbohydrate intake. A low-carbohydrate intake minimizes sugar and starches and replaces them with foods that are rich in protein and healthy fats. Look for â€Å"real food† which is food that humans had available throughout evolution. Stay away from processed, unnatural foods that have artificial chemicals, these foods can cause you to get sick and fat. Yes most people have cravings for pizza, chips, and other things everyone knows is â€Å"unhealthy†. An individual does not want to deprive themselves of what they want, cheating is common when it comes to eating healt hy, individuals need allow themselves one cheat day a week to eat whatever they want. Though with healthy eating can seem hard at times, it comes with big lifestyle changes that are more that worth it. Eating healthy can make substantial changes to someones health, wellness, and lifestyle. Eating healthy has more benefits than anything even exercise. Someone can exercise everyday of the week and still be considered unhealthy because of what they eat. According to MyDebtDiary, as long as long as an individual eats healthy for eighty percent of the time, an individual can indulge in their favorite foods the other twenty percent of the time. Nate Miyaki gives an example, â€Å"Of nine training sessions and thirty- five meals or snacks geared toward body composition improvement a week, that works out to about 20% accounted to physical activity and 80% accounted to diet.† Participating in regular exercise is very important but does not mean someone should eat unhealthy. Eating unhealthy causes damage to an individuals insides. When someone eats healthy they find themselves less tired and they also find that they have less health issues than someone that eats unhealthy. When an individual eats better they feel better. Put good in, get good out. So the better an indivi dual eats the better, the more energy they have, the more  motivation they have, and they feel better as a whole. Within a week of eating healthy an individual can begin to feel better on the inside. When an individual makes the change to eating healthily they will notice that they feel better and have more energy. There are more ways to eat healthier without having to diet at all. A great food guide for an athlete to follow is the Canada’s Food Guide. According to the guide an individual needs about sixty percent carbohydrates, fifteen to twenty percent protein, and twenty to thirty percent fat in their daily diet. Healthy eating is more than just about what an individual eats and puts on their plate. Healthy eating is also about how an individual thinks about food, what they eat, and how they eat. When eating it is important to slow down while eating and realize that the food that an individual puts into their body is nourishment, not as something to scarf down in between work and kids practices. It is always good to try and eat with other people whenever possible. There are many social and emotional benefits to eating with others, especially for children, and it also allows individuals to model healthy eating habits. Another thing that most individuals forget about is how bad eating i n front of the television and computer is. Eating in front of the television and computer often leads to overeating. One of the biggest causes of weight gain is sleep deprivation. Sleep is a necessity to recovery to feel good, and a good nights sleep has a wide variety of positive health outcomes. The positive health outcomes range from a healthier body weight and a lower stress level. When an individual has â€Å"sleep debt† they can not recover it by sleeping more from night to night. Having a set sleep schedule should be a habit and it is crucial to a healthy lifestyle. When an individual is not exhausted or tired it is easier for sleep patterns to change and those changes can disrupt their schedule. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day allows an individual’s body to create a rhythm for a healthy metabolism and energy patterns. When one is having trouble going to sleep there are many things one can do. Removing stimulating items like phones, television, and computers an hour before bed because the screens can over stimulate and distract an individual and make it ha rder for them to fall asleep. Consuming caffeine after three in the afternoon stimulates the nervous system and also affects sleeping patterns. An individual also should avoid large meal before bed. The importance of sleep should not be ignored. Sleep allows the body and brain to shut down and recover which is crucial for possible health conditions. Sticking to a regular sleep routine allows individuals to wake up with more energy and feel less fatigue throughout the day. When an individual begins to eat healthy, the less natural it feels to reach for a cupcake or a slice of pizza when they get hungry. One should not deprive themselves or force themselves to eat healthy, but an individual should simply make a conscious decision of identifying and respecting what feels best for their body in the long run. When individuals eat healthy, they physically feel good and also feel good mentally as well. Individuals who eat healthy mentally have more energy to go out and do things that care and matter to them. Making the decision to practice healthy eating habits has such significant effects on an individuals in so many ways. Everyone should take action and begin to maintain a healthy lifestyle choices as much as possible. Most people need motivation to change, gain motivation from others, keep a diary, and talk to others when tempted to indulge in unhealthy choices. Eating healthy is not all about losing the ability to enjoy favorite foods. It is about gaining things that will have a life long effect. Eating healthy leads to a longer life, the ability to enjoy real, natural foods, a healthy sense of self esteem, and pleasure of having respect for the body and all that it does. References 11 Facts About American Eating Habits. (n.d.). Retrieved October 27, 2014, from https://www.dosomething.org/facts/11-facts-about-american-eating-habits Belval, L. (2013, December 5). HEALTHY HUSKY: Healthy eating habits. Retrieved October 27, 2014, from http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.apollolibrary.com/docview/1465901308?pq-origsite=summon Braverman, J. (2014, January 26). Illnesses Caused by Bad Diet. Retrieved October 27, 2014, from http://www.livestrong.com/article/84174-illnesses-caused-bad-diet/ Cho, M. (n.d.). Five Tricks I Used to Beat My Unhealthy Eating Habits. Retrieved October 27, 2014, from http://lifehacker.com/five-tricks-i-used-to-beat-my-unhealthy-eating-habits-1252241279 Conclusion: Living a Healthy Diet for the Rest of Your Life – Intent Blog. (2009, October 6). Retrieved October 27, 2014, from http://intentblog.com/conclusion-living-healthy-diet-rest-your-life/ Daily, I. (2013, February 1). Healthy Eating Habits Acquired. Retrieved October 27, 2014, from http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.apollolibrary.com/docview/1370960686?pq-origsite=summon How to Eat Healthy, Lose Weight and Feel Awesome Every Day. (n.d.). Retrieved October 27, 2014, from http://authoritynutrition.com/how-to-eat-healthy/ Isacks, K. (n.d.). Weight Loss and Food Diaries | MyNetDiary. Retrieved October 27, 2014, from http://www.mynetdiary.com/the-new-80-20-rule-a-long-held-rule-in-the-dieting.html Kunz, M. (2013, December 18). Does Exercise Offset Unhealthy Eating? Retrieved October 27, 2014, from http://www.livestrong.com/article/548179-does-exercise-offset-unhealthy-eating/ Miyaki, N. (n.d.). The 80/20 Rule of Fitness Nutrition. Retrieved October 27, 2014, from http://nat emiyaki.com/2011/03/24/the-8020-rule-of-fitness-nutrition/ Sandilands, M. (1999, September 9). Abnormal eating habits ruin health. Retrieved October 27, 2014, from http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.apollolibrary.com/docview/244805140?pq-origsite=summon Smith, T. (2011, December 21). Top 10 Reasons Why We Don’t Eat Healthy. Retrieved October 27, 2014, from http://patch.com/california/carlsbad/bp–top-10-reasons-why-we-dont-eat-healthy#.VEGgj75H21I Traister, J. (2011, January 17). Pros and Cons for Healthy Food Choices. Retrieved October 27, 2014, from http://www.livestrong.com/article/358976-pros-and-cons-for-healthy-food-choices/

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Domestic And International Risks Associated With Terrorism...

1 - What are 3 resources available to the port FSO in assessing domestic and international risks associated with terrorism and other criminal activity threats posed to port maritime operations? There are several resources available to the port Facility Security Officer (FSO) in assessing domestic and international risks associated with terrorism and other criminal activity threats posed to port maritime operations. There are also several things to keep in mind as the FSO when trying to assess these risks. The FSO needs to build rapport with all law enforcement agencies, government agencies, stakeholders and all private security entities within the port. A collaboration of efforts is important in order to mitigate the risks associated with terrorism and criminal activity threats. The FSO needs to utilize risk management process to its full potential and in order to create an effective port facility security plan. Intelligence collection and information sharing is paramount and should be the basis or foundation that the risk assessment and port facility security plan is based off of. Once this information has been gathered it is critical that this information is shared with law enforcement agencies, government agencies, stakeholders and all private security entities within the port. The more people that know the threat the better off the security with in the port will be. It is important for the FSO to understand that intelligence changes day to day and sometime hours toShow MoreRelatedThe Human Rights Act and Anti-Terrorism in the Uk: One Great Leap Forward by Parliament, but Are the Courts Able to Slow the Steady Retreat That Has Followed?17827 Words   |  72 PagesAct and anti-terrorism in the UK: one great leap forward by Parliament, but are the courts able to slow the steady retreat that has followed? David McKeever Subject: Human rights. Other related subjects: Administrative law. Criminal law Keywords: Administrative law; Freedom of expression; Inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; Terrorism; Torture Legislation: Human Rights Act 1998 Counter-Terrorism Act 2008 Terrorism Act 2006 Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001 Terrorism Act 2000 EuropeanRead MoreThe Human Rights Act and Anti-Terrorism in the Uk: One Great Leap Forward by Parliament, but Are the Courts Able to Slow the Steady Retreat That Has Followed?17817 Words   |  72 PagesAct and anti-terrorism in the UK: one great leap forward by Parliament, but are the courts able to slow the steady retreat that has followed? David McKeever Subject: Human rights. Other related subjects: Administrative law. Criminal law Keywords: Administrative law; Freedom of expression; Inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; Terrorism; Torture Legislation: Human Rights Act 1998 Counter-Terrorism Act 2008 Terrorism Act 2006 Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001 Terrorism Act 2000 EuropeanRead MoreTerrorism in Southeast Asia17760 Words   |  72 PagesTerrorism in Southeast Asia Bruce Vaughn, Coordinator Specialist in Asian Affairs Emma Chanlett-Avery Specialist in Asian Affairs Ben Dolven Section Research Manager Mark E. Manyin Specialist in Asian Affairs Michael F. Martin Analyst in Asian Trade and Finance Larry A. Niksch Specialist in Asian Affairs October 16, 2009 Congressional Research Service 7-5700 www.crs.gov RL34194 CRS Report for Congress Prepared for Members and Committees of Congress Terrorism in SoutheastRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pagesof the New York City Landscape Gerda Lerner, Fireweed: A Political Autobiography Allida M. Black, ed., Modern American Queer History Eric Sandweiss, St. Louis: The Evolution of an American Urban Landscape Sam Wineburg, Historical Thinking and Other Unnatural Acts: Charting the Future of Teaching the Past Sharon Hartman Strom, Political Woman: Florence Luscomb and the Legacy of Radical Reform Michael Adas, ed., Agricultural and Pastoral Societies in Ancient and Classical History Jack MetzgarRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words   |  1056 PagesMotivating Knowledge Workers 7 Paying Employees Market Value 8 Communications 8 Decentralized Work Sites 8 Skill Levels 8 A Legal Concern 8 Employee Involvement 20 How Organizations Involve Employees 20 Employee Involvement Implications for HRM 20 Other HRM Challenges 21 Recession 21 Off Shoring 21 Mergers 22 A Look at Ethics 22 Summary 23 Demonstrating Comprehension: Questions for Review 24 Key Terms 24 HRM Workshop 25 Linking Concepts to Practice: Discussion Questions 25 Developing Diagnostic and